Sunday, May 29, 2011

trading stories

went to a friend's open house presenting several craftspeople...go mainly to be supportive and to look for christmas gifts (yes, a bit early in may)...also to visit with some friends...adding a little man-ness to the gathering...

visited with two other guys who also travel a has been to japan a few times...he was telling about keys he walked away with from a small hotel...discovered it at the next hotel stop and mailed it back...on returning home he received an e-mail, thanking him and saying hawaii people are beautiful and honest...i should have told him of a similar situation when i came home with with my key card from the hotel elysee...second time i had done it, but this time i decided to mail it back rather than wait for my return to london...

the other guy told about expensive underwear he left behind because he was forced to pack in a hurry...hotel forwarded it to him...i kept mine a little north of the mason-dixon by relating the ipod touch that my hotel in london kept for me after i dropped it under the can be fairly honest when given a chance...

another tale exchanged was about the bellhops in china...i was advised to use cheap luggage because the bellhops just throw luggage into the baggage hole of buses...i gave these guys some slack because of their uniform....a woolen suit very western in design with cap, long-sleeved jackets (anybody remember "call for philip morrise")...during a sweltering july in shanghai on the pudong side with these hops sweating through their uniform, they just threw our luggage into the bus's luggage well...who could blame them!!!

the last exchange is an experience some of us have gone through...ever try getting rid of old, grungy underwear when on a trip, especially in asia...well, don't do it in the hotel...the maids will place them back in the drawer or on top of your luggage...

one of the best of stories of encounters abroad...

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